Roy Spode Garibaldi

Roy Spode Garibaldi

Speaker CEO at S.D.M. - Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira, S.A.

Mr Roy Spode Garibaldi graduated from the Loyola University of Chicago in 1990 with an honours degree in Political Science and International Relations. He worked as an intern in 1989 in U.S. Senator Paul Simon’s office in Chicago, handling foreign affairs and immigration issues. After teaching at ISAL – Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas da Madeira, he joined SDM – The Madeira Development Corporation in 1991, where since then he has been involved in the promotion and development of the International Business Centre of Madeira. Mr. Garibaldi is currently the CEO of SDM. He has been a speaker at several international conferences concerning international investment and taxation, attraction of foreign investment and ship registration.

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