Dr Anna Vazintari

Dr Anna Vazintari

Speaker ICT Manager at Unisea Shipping Ltd, Secretary of the BoD, A.M.M.I.T.E.C.

My name is Anna Vazintari and I am the ICT Manager of Unisea Shipping Ltd. I have been employed in the ICT sector of the Maritime industry for the past twelve (12) years. I hold a PhD in Telecommunications and Networks from School of Electrical and Computers Engineering (ECE) of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), an MBA in Technoeconomics from NTUA and University of Piraeus (UNIPI) and a Bachelor degree from ECE, NTUA. Since the acquisition of my university degree, I have been dealing both academically and professionally with various ICT sectors, such as Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM), maritime ICT and Internet of Things (IoT). As an ICT Manager with more than ten years in the shipping industry, I have gained great experience on the field challenges and faced numerous aspects of the maritime ICT sector, including cybersecurity regulations and compliance issues, the demanding multicultural working environment and the advent of IoT onboard the ships. During these years, I have performed frequent international business trips and onboard attendances, leading all the ICT-wise projects of the company, ensuring the efficient communications of the company both ashore and onboard the fleet vessels, conducting the company’s cybersecurity policy always complying with the sectorial resolutions, requirements and published best practices and participating in the AMMITEC association.

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