Prof. Christopher Hodge OBE FREng HonFIMarEST

Prof. Christopher Hodge OBE FREng HonFIMarEST

Speaker Chief Electrical Engineer at BMT

Chris Hodge served for 26 years in the Royal Navy gaining a BSc degree in mechanical engineering, an MSc in electrical engineering and a post graduate diploma in nuclear engineering. Among other sea appointments he served as the Marine Engineer Officer in HMS ORPHEUS and HMS CONQUEROR. Subsequently he served in the UK MoD as the Head of both the Mechanical and Electrical Nuclear Steam Raising Plant Design Authorities and completed his naval service as the Head of the Electrical Power Systems Specialist Group. After leaving the Royal Navy he joined Rolls Royce Marine in various positions before joining BMT Defence & Security, as the Chief Electrical Engineer in 2005. He has experience across the full gamut of marine engineering including operation, maintenance, in-service support and design of systems and equipment for both surface ships and submarines. In particular he has a significant reputation for his breadth of knowledge and understanding of marine electrical power systems.

He has published widely; winning numerous awards and has been invited to deliver keynote addresses in several international engineering conferences, including the UK, Japan, China, the USA and Europe.

A Chartered Engineer, he is a Fellow and former elected Trustee of the Royal Academy of Engineering. He served as the President of the IMarEST from 2017 to 2018 having been the Chairman of its Board of Trustees from 2009 to 2016. He was an Honorary Professor of Engineering at the University of Warwick from 2004 to 2021. He was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2015 for services to Royal Navy Engineering. He was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the IMarEST in March 2019.

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