Maria A. Korkontzelou

Maria A. Korkontzelou

Speaker Crew Manager, Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp.

Maria A. Korkontzelou was born in Athens on 1982.

Maria Korkontzelou has more than 20 years of experience in the shipping sector, and she is the is the Crew manager of Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. since 2017. Prior to Seanergy she was employed in various Nasdaq listed companies specializing in Bulk Carriers and Tankers.

Maria has focused on the human factor and psychology of seamen onboard the vessels after several attendances onboard worldwide, having performed various research for the improvement of life onboard. In addition, she has worked for many years on behalf of shipowners in the Philippines and Ukraine having familiarized with different nationalities’ mentalities.

Maria has studied Shipping Finance at the University of Piraeus, holds an MSc degree in Executive services Management from AUEB and a LLM Masters in Law from City University London. She has recently commenced a BSc Degree in Psychology at the American College of Greece.



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