Elisabeth Calbari

Session's Chair - Speaker Neuropsychologist, Executive Trainer
Founder, Self Balance

Elisabeth Calbari (MISCP) is a neuropsychologist, executive trainer, science blogger and journalist reporting on the brain, psychology and behavioural sciences.  She is a neuroleadership trainer on self-improvement and wellness programs that lead to better performance, focus, resilience and emotional control. An award-winner program designer where her expertise is a combination of neurosciences, psychology and leadership. Over the past 23 years, her clientele is primarily multinational corporations, bank and shipping companies as well as healthcare and pharmaceutical companies in Greece and Europe where masters, crew members and executives learn how to optimise motivation, concentration, stability under pressure and emotions during key moments and peak stress.

She is the founder of Self Balance in Greece, a training and Brain Assessment Solutions company using evidence-based tools and hand-held/user friendly programs and devices that show performance results and improvement in real time!

www.selfbalance.gr | www.elisabethcalbari.gr | email: [email protected]

Your Brain at Work

An inspiring, brain-game training program for elite business “athletes and masters”

The human brain is a key stakeholder in every activity and every decision you make. Understanding the way it works can make a huge difference in attracting the right talent, retaining high performing employees, fostering collaborative teams that function well to deliver company objectives. Observe live how your brain works and be the leader of your own brain at work in order to engage, convince and achieve more!


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