Morten Lind-Olsen | Slide2Open

CEO, Dualog

Morten Lind-Olsen is the CEO of Dualog – renown as the company delivering innovations at sea with passion. Morten brings decades of international experience from the maritime communications and software industry. His ideas are often shared on stage in his thought-provoking speeches.

Morten holds a degree in IT and Communications from the Arctic University, and he is a warm spokesman for customer-driven leadership and developments. Mr Lind-Olsen and his team have been continuously aiming to bring ship and shore closer.

Dualog solutions are currently onboard more than 3,500 ships worldwide, and the company has been pivotal to the process of digitalisation within shipping. When not travelling the world, Morten spills his energies on his other passion – the local Tromsdalen football club where he’s been the chairman for decades.

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