Dimitris Theodorakis | Slide2Open

Swissmarine Inc.

Dimitris Theodorakis was born in Chania, Crete in 1959. He is married with three children.

After obtaining his degree as Mechanical Engineer from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, in 1984 he obtained his MBA from INSEAD Fontainebleau in France with distinctions.

At the start of his career, he led the Corporate Planning Department of Sulzer Brothers Ltd in Winterhur –Switzerland for 3 years. In 1988, he established Swisstech Hellas and took on the exclusivity of Sulzer in Greece at that time while also being involved in the construction of several Power plants in the region.

Later Dimitris Theodorakis was led into the shipping sector through SwissMarine Inc. Swissmarine Inc has been active in the shipping sector for over 30 years and throughout this time has owned and operated a fleet of vessels within the Multipurpose container bulkcarriers, LPG and LNG vessels. Furthermore, the LPG segment has been strengthened through the LPG trading desk of the sister company, Swisschemgas Ltd. All shipping and trading related activities are handled in-house through integrated business units for sale & purchase, chartering, trading, technical management and all aspects of the vessels’ operation.

Dimitris is fluent in Greek, English, German and French.

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