Gina Panayiotou | Slide2Open

Head of Shipping
Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC.

​Gina Panayiotou, is Head of Shipping at Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC., the 4th largest law firm in Cyprus with international presence in 9 cities worldwide.

She specializes in maritime and shipping law and deals with a wide spectrum of shipping services, ranging from ship finance to maritime regulation and compliance policies.

Gina is an experienced legal professional, with a solid background from the core ship owning/ship management sector, having served as Legal Manager of Intership Navigation Co Ltd. She has participated in the Legal and Finance, as well as the Development and Promotion committees of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber, while she was the Project Manager of ShipCon 2018.

Developing a passion for the shipping industry, Gina is also the concept founder and host of the radio show “It’s ALL about Shipping!,” is a WISTA Cyprus board member, holding additionally the position of its’ Press Officer. Furthermore, Gina has been awarded the first “Young Leader Award,” in Cyprus and has been selected among the top 100 lawyers of the GC Powerlist 2018: Greece and Cyprus, by Legal 500.

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