Sergios Arniakos

Sergios Arniakos

Speaker Sustainability Μanager
Latsco Shipping Limited

Sergios presently holds the position of Sustainability manager of Latsco Shipping Limited.
He is looking after the group’s sustainability strategy, ESG performance and alignment with the business strategy.
Sergios is also responsible for evaluating the group’s carbon exposure and in forming its strategy under EU-ETS.

He previously held the position of Commercial and Business Systems Manager at Neptune Lines, leading Commercial, Pricing, Sales, Business Analysis and IT/IS.
He also led the restructuring and optimization of the company’s front-end value chain and the ERP selection project.

From 2003 to 2013, Sergios held the position of Head of Derivatives Trading at Piraeus Securities, Piraeus Bank. He managed a € 100 mln portfolio of listed equity derivatives.

Prior to joining Piraeus Securities, he was a derivatives trader for Knight Securities Ltd., in London, UK.
Sergios started his career in 1999 at ABN AMRO Bank, in Athens Greece, in its Shipping Finance Unit as an account officer.

He holds a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, an MSc in Marine Engineering from University College of London and an MSc in Finance from Cass Business School.


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