Ewan Robinson

Ewan Robinson

Speaker Director
Yango Satellite Communications Ltd

Ewan is a cyber authority and practitioner at the forefront of the rapidly evolving maritime Cyber Security field. He has deep current expertise in cyber security, defensive and indeed offensive. He operates at the leading edge of network engineering and associated cyber functions and applications, eg software development, firewalls, data-mining systems, points of vulnerability, human engineering and automating underground intelligence gathering systems.

Working with clients, Ewan analyses technical risks, vectors and mitigations; he develops protective regimes, necessarily bespoke to each and every IT-dependant organisation, to ensure operational security.

The auditing approach is designed to establish the level of client cyber risk. It then deploys technology to calibrate the effectiveness of in-place measures and to establish essential additional cyber protection measures that may be required. A parallel deliverable is advice on most suitable hardware, including resilience in terms of cyber risk trends – with an aim to reduce hardware attrition to a sensibly sustainable level.

Ewan is in demand as a presenter and seminar member, for instance with UK Government Trade and Industry authorities and in support of NATO.

Following previous military service involving communications systems with some specialisation in aviation applications and a range of expert secondments, Ewan worked first in the oil and gas seismic industry, majoring in field engineering, electronics and data capture systems. He expanded his operations into the multi-national shipping industry. His capabilities now embrace the practical spectrum of technical cyber risks. Many elements are generic, whilst solutions are invariably client-specific.

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