Evangelos Kyriazopoulos

Evangelos Kyriazopoulos

Speaker Secretary General of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic

Mr. Evangelos KYRIAZOPOULOS assumed the duties of Secretary General of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy since 08-05-2019 and remains in charge after the issuance of the Presidential Decree 77/2023 according to which the General Secretariat of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments was renamed to General Secretariat of Maritime Affairs and Ports, with extended responsibilities.

He holds a BSc in Economics and Master from the Maritime Studies Department of the College of Cardiff (Wales). Furthermore, he holds a PhD on the general topic of “Ports, Spatial Planning and Regional Development”, as well as having authored a post-doctoral dissertation on “Marine Spatial Planning – Blue Economy” at Panteion University. He has served as lecturer at the Hellenic Army Academy and the Panteion School of Public Administration, and has participated as a lecturer in three postgraduate programs (Panteion, University of Crete, NCSR). He has taught maritime, logistics and spatial-strategic planning at the Institute of Public Administration, as well as in public and private higher education institutions, faculties and colleges.

He has worked in the private sector in the fields of maritime research, shipping, banking and maritime journalism. He has furthermore worked as a special scientist in the Department of Planning of the Ministry of Environment and as scientific adviser to ministers in the Ministries of Environment and Maritime. He participated in various committees and working groups of the European Commission, the OECD and Greece on issues related to spatial planning, maritime spatial planning, coastal management, island policy, diving parks, aquaculture, transport networks, industrial parks, tourist areas and urban / regional projects.

He was a special assistant to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis during his term as Minister of Administrative Reform. He then served in the area of Local Government as Secretary General of the Municipality of Galatsi and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Local Government of the Central Union of Greek Municipalities (2015-2019).

He has a number of scientific and other publications, with particular interest in the maritime tradition.


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